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Success Story: How Viant’s Extensive Household Reach Helped a Pizza Chain Drive CTV Viewers to Order Online

5 Things CMOs Need to Know About CTV Advertising

Opportunities for Ecommerce Brands to Capitalize on CTV Advertising

Multi-Touch Attribution: Who Really Benefits from MTA?

Why Household-Level Targeting is the Solution for a Cookieless World

What are Advertising Pixels – and Will They End with Third-Party Cookies?

What’s Facing a Bigger Challenge Than iOS 14.5? Unified ID 2.0

Are You Prepared for a Cookieless World? Questions to Ask Your DSP Partner

Identity Resolution Software and Marketers: Examples, FAQs and the Viant Household ID’s Role

The Impact of Streaming Service Market Fragmentation on Advertisers

CTV Advertising During the Olympics: Why ‘Spillage’ is Key to Capitalizing on the Moment

Digital Advertising Identifiers Explained: The Keys to a World Without Cookies

5 Types of Targeting in Marketing to Help You Reach the Right Consumers

The CMO’s Guide to Demand-Side Platforms

Programmatic vs. RTB: The Differences Between Programmatic and Real-Time Buying

Podcast Advertising Fact Sheet: Everything to Know About Podcast Ads in 2021

Addressable TV Advertising vs. CTV and OTT: Key Differences and Examples

Identity Resolution and the Cookieless Future: Tip of the Identity Iceberg

Device Graph vs. Identity Graph: Why a Device Graph is Not Enough in 2021

CTV Measurement and the Household: A ‘Win-Win-Win’ for All Involved