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When it Comes to Connected TV in 2021, There’s No Place Like Home

Marketers Take Note: Travel, the Great Nostalgia of 2020, is Poised for a Big Rebound

What is a Data Lake? Here’s How Data Lakes Solve Today’s Marketing Challenges

Geotargeting vs. Geofencing: Location Data for Marketers Part 2

Geotargeting: Location Data for Marketers Part 1

Contextual Targeting: Can it Replace Third-Party Cookies?

DSP Advertising Introduction: What is a Demand-Side Platform?

Incrementality and Incrementality Testing: A Primer

Identity Resolution and the Future of Data: A Q&A with Scott Gordon of Adstra

Brand Safety in Programmatic: Understanding the Top Challenges and Strategies for Success

Programmatic Ad Targeting Types: Effective Methods for Audience Targeting

CTV Ad Engagement Behaviors: Data and Measurement Strategies for Marketers

Investing in Career Growth and Education for Programmatic Traders

Personalizing CTV and Video Ads to Drive Engagement: A Q&A with Taylor West of Clinch

What are Ghost Bids and Ghost Ads? An Explanation of an Emerging Way to Measure Incrementality

Why We Need to Change the Conversation Around Match Rates in Digital Advertising

2021 Forecast: How Do Marketers Really Feel About Identity Resolution?

The Programmatic Trader’s Ultimate Wish List

Audience Segmentation in Programmatic: Types, Benefits & COVID-19’s Impact

Political Advertising: The Role of Data in Reaching Voters Beyond Party Affiliation